dweb gateway for farcaster

Introducing furl.pro

furl.pro is a dweb gateway for Farcaster usernames.

If you set ipns:// or ipfs:// addresses in your Farcaster profile's Bio or URL field, the IPFS website can be accessed via furl.pro.

Here are a few examples:

How To

The URL field exists in the Farcaster protocol, but currently, not every client allows users to edit it yet. You can update URL with Recaster.

So, right now, the easiest way is to put an IPNS or IPFS string into the Bio. furl.pro supports these formats:

  • 62-byte IPNS
  • 46-byte CIDv0
  • 59-byte CIDv1

If you are a developer and know how to update your Farcaster UserData, you can achieve this with code as well.

What is IPFS?

IPFS is an open-source software for publishing and retrieving files over P2P networks.

Here are a few IPFS-powered solutions for publishing an IPFS website:

  • Planet - a graphical static site generator for macOS that includes a built-in IPFS node.
  • Fleek - a SaaS platform for publishing websites on IPFS.
  • Kubo - the Go implementation of the IPFS command-line utility for developers.

furl Channel on Warpcast
